
Matthias Ecke

German politician

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Matthias Ecke: German politician
Matthias Ecke is a German politician who has been serving as a Member of the European Parliament for the Social Democratic Party since 2022.

Four teens investigated over attack on German MEP [Video]

Four teens investigated over attack on German MEP

Four suspects have been identified in the attack on German Social Democrat (SPD) MEP Matthias Ecke, police said on Monday, with more protests expected in Berlin.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:57Published
Social democrats speak out against far right violence amid declining support [Video]

Social democrats speak out against far right violence amid declining support

German social democrats spoke out against far right violence amid declining support after an attack on Friday night that hospitalised Saxony top candidate for the EU elections Matthias Ecke.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 00:59Published

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