
Nicholas Galitzine

English actor (born 1994)

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Nicholas Galitzine: English actor (born 1994)
Nicholas Dimitri Constantine Galitzine is an English actor. He is best known for starring in the romantic films Purple Hearts (2022), Red, White & Royal Blue (2023), The Idea of You (2024), and the comedy Bottoms (2023).

Nicholas Galitzine Addresses Sexuality, Feeling "Guilt" Over Playing Queer Roles | THR News Video [Video]

Nicholas Galitzine Addresses Sexuality, Feeling "Guilt" Over Playing Queer Roles | THR News Video

The internet's latest boyfriend Nicholas Galitzine is opening up about his sexuality and feeling conflicted over certain roles that have shot him to fame. The 29-year-old told British GQ that while he..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:46Published
'The Idea of You' Director Michael Showalter Talks Harry Styles Comparisons | THR Video [Video]

'The Idea of You' Director Michael Showalter Talks Harry Styles Comparisons | THR Video

Director Michael Showalter chats with THR on the red carpet for 'The Idea of You' and reveals why Nicholas Galitzine and Anne Hathaway were perfect leads for this film. Plus, he touches on those Harry..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 02:18Published
Nicholas Galitzine Talks Chemistry Read With Anne Hathaway for 'The Idea of You' | THR Video [Video]

Nicholas Galitzine Talks Chemistry Read With Anne Hathaway for 'The Idea of You' | THR Video

Nicholas Galitzine dishes on "boy band boot camp" with THR on the red carpet for 'The Idea of You.' Plus, he talks about his chemistry read with Anne Hathaway, calling her "so open and so playful."

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:29Published

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