
Terry Reintke

German politician (born 1987)

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Terry Reintke: German politician (born 1987)
Theresa Reintke is a German politician who has been serving as a member of the European Parliament from Germany since 2014. She is co-president of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament. She is a member of the Alliance 90/The Greens, part of The Greens–European Free Alliance. From 2011 to 2013 she was the spokesperson of the Federation of Young European Greens.

Terry Reintke: Despite setbacks EU's Green Deal can be saved [Video]

Terry Reintke: Despite setbacks EU's Green Deal can be saved

With an unprecedented breaththrough the Greens were among the surprise winners of the last European elections. Their ambitious climate agenda won over many voters. But Covid-19, the war in Ukraine,..

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 20:00Published
The Greens' Reintke vows to keep EU on track towards climate neutrality amid right-wing backlash [Video]

The Greens' Reintke vows to keep EU on track towards climate neutrality amid right-wing backlash

The Greens' Terry Reintke has pitched her party as the antidote to "right-wing, authoritarian" forces that are trying to water down climate action as she campaigns ahead of June's European elections.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 02:47Published

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