
Sergey Sobyanin

Mayor of Moscow since 2010

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Sergey Sobyanin: Mayor of Moscow since 2010
Sergey Semyonovich Sobyanin is a Russian politician, serving as the 3rd mayor of Moscow since 21 October 2010. Sobyanin previously served as the governor of Tyumen Oblast (2001–2005), Head of the presidential administration (2005–2008) and Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. He has the federal state civilian service rank of 1st class Active State Councillor of the Russian Federation.

Moscow Attacked: Putin's Response Imminent After Russian Capital Rocked By Ukraine's Drone Attacks [Video]

Moscow Attacked: Putin's Response Imminent After Russian Capital Rocked By Ukraine's Drone Attacks

Moscow's Mayor Sobyanin revealed a Ukrainian attempt to attack with a drone, intercepted near the city. No harm was reported. An air raid alert was sounded in Belgorod following an earlier attack, with..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:30Published

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