
Ronny Chieng

Malaysian comedian and actor

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Ronny Chieng: Malaysian comedian and actor
Ronny Xin Yi Chieng is a Malaysian comedian and actor based in the United States. He is a senior correspondent on Comedy Central's The Daily Show, and he created and starred in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation sitcom Ronny Chieng: International Student. He has also portrayed roles in films such as Crazy Rich Asians and the English version of Inspector Sun and the Curse of the Black Widow.

Ronny Chieng Talks Working Amongst Legends in 'Unfrosted:' "These are My Comedy Heroes" | THR Video [Video]

Ronny Chieng Talks Working Amongst Legends in 'Unfrosted:' "These are My Comedy Heroes" | THR Video

Ronny Chieng tells THR on the 'Unfrosted' red carpet what it means to be here amongst all these comedy legends. Plus, he dishes on Jerry Seinfeld's "natural talent" and talks about how you can't fake..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 02:22Published

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