
Tees Valley

Devolved region in Northern England

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Tees Valley: Devolved region in Northern England
The Tees Valley is a devolved region in Northern England, around the lower River Tees. The area is not a geographical valley; the local term for the valley is Teesdale. The combined authority covers five council areas: Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and Stockton-on-Tees.

Tory Mayor praises Keir Starmer [Video]

Tory Mayor praises Keir Starmer

Conservative's Lord Houchen who has just has won a third term as Tees Valley mayor vowed to work with whoever is the prime minister after the general election. Ben Houchen praised the Labour leader for..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 00:37Published
PM sends a message to Labour party [Video]

PM sends a message to Labour party

Rishi Sunak praised Lord Houchen for his re-election, claiming Labour β€œthrew a lot of mud, because they were angry''. Ben Houchen has won a third term as Tees Valley mayor, taking 54% of the vote..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 01:16Published
Lord Houchen remains Tees Valley Mayor [Video]

Lord Houchen remains Tees Valley Mayor

Conservative Ben Houchen has been re-elected Tees Valley Mayor with a majority of 18,789, after getting 81,930 votes, 53.64% of the total. Report by Gluszczykm. Like us on Facebook at..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 00:25Published

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