
Glasgow Pollok (Scottish Parliament constituency)

Region or constituency of the Scottish Parliament

Glasgow Pollok (Scottish Parliament constituency)    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Glasgow Pollok (Scottish Parliament constituency): Region or constituency of the Scottish Parliament
Glasgow Pollok is a constituency of the Scottish Parliament (Holyrood), electing one Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) by the First Past the Post method of election. It is currently represented by Humza Yousaf, who has been First Minister of Scotland since 29 March 2023 after being elected leader of the Scottish National Party the previous day. He has held the seat for the party since the 2016 Scottish Parliament election.

The rise and fall of Humza Yousaf: Scotland's FM resigns [Video]

The rise and fall of Humza Yousaf: Scotland's FM resigns

Humza Yousaf has announced his resignation as Scotland's first minister ahead of forthcoming confidence votes. Mr Yousaf had been battling for his political survival after terminating the power-sharing..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 02:46Published

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