

Country in Oceania

Tuvalu    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Tuvalu: Country in Oceania
Tuvalu, formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is an island country in the Polynesian subregion of Oceania in the Pacific Ocean, about midway between Hawaii and Australia. It lies east-northeast of the Santa Cruz Islands, northeast of Vanuatu, southeast of Nauru, south of Kiribati, west of Tokelau, northwest of Samoa and Wallis and Futuna, and north of Fiji.


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Australia agrees 'groundbreaking' climate refuge pact with Tuvalu

Australia has committed to offering refuge to residents of Tuvalu who are displaced by climate disaster - in what has been hailed as a landmark agreement.
Sky News - Published
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