
Colleen Hoover

American author (born 1979)

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Colleen Hoover: American author (born 1979)
Colleen Hoover is an American author who primarily writes novels in the romance and young adult fiction genres. She is best known for her 2016 romance novel It Ends with Us. Many of her works were self-published before being picked up by a publishing house. As of October 2022, Hoover has sold approximately 20 million books. She was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2023.

First 'It Ends With Us' Trailer Set to Taylor Swift Song | THR News Video [Video]

First 'It Ends With Us' Trailer Set to Taylor Swift Song | THR News Video

The first trailer for 'It Ends With Us' is here and it's soundtracked by a song from star Blake Lively's good friend, Taylor Swift. The film is an adaptation of Colleen Hoover's novel of the same name...

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:50Published
Colleen Hoover Praises 'It Ends With Us' Star Blake Lively: "I'm in Awe" | THR News Video [Video]

Colleen Hoover Praises 'It Ends With Us' Star Blake Lively: "I'm in Awe" | THR News Video

'It Ends With Us' author Colleen Hoover has nothing but praise for Blake Lively in the big-screen adaptation of her best-selling novel. In a conversation with People, which also dropped first look..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:28Published

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