The Deep State Fires Back Revealing Treason Within the Halls of The Pentagon

The Deep State Fires Back Revealing Treason Within the Halls of The Pentagon
On November 5th we all breathed the sigh of relief that came as a result of the election of Donald Trump to the office of president.
I think that the elation that we felt we wished would have continued forever however this is not the case.
This week a story broke via CNN stating that top Pentagon brass had been meeting in secret looking for ways to countermand orders that trump might give to the Pentagon regarding the use of military troops in the United States to help civilian law enforcement officers in various aspects of their duty.
This Tuesday on Opposing The Matrix we will look at this new event and mull over what president trump can do to overcome this mutinous treason.
The live show starts at noon pacific time this Tuesday on rumble and on twitch.