

Municipality type D in Rafah, State of Palestine

Al-Mawasi    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Al-Mawasi is a Palestinian Bedouin town on the southern coast of the Gaza Strip, approximately one kilometer wide and fourteen kilometers long, that prior to Israel's unilateral disengagement plan in 2005 existed as a Palestinian enclave within the Katif bloc of Israeli settlements. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, al-Mawasi had a population of 1,409 in mid-year 2006.

IDF says 'precise operation' in Rafah continues as thousands more told to evacuate [Video]

IDF says 'precise operation' in Rafah continues as thousands more told to evacuate

The Israeli military issued more evacuation orders for tens of thousand of Palestinians on Saturday, advising them to head to an ‘expanded humanitarian zone’ in al-Mawasi.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:04Published

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