TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse Stopping Apocalypse and Saving The Four FINALE

TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse Stopping Apocalypse and Saving The Four FINALE
In this episode of X-men Legends II, 3 people Sabre-tooth, Pyro, and Juggernaut join Wolverine in the final mission to stop Apocalypse, but first they enter the Danger room to complete a couple courses then they head out, Juggernaut speaks with Forge, and Forge says he's surprised The X-Men And Brotherhood have still managed to work together, Juggernaut asks how can Apocalypse live for 1000 years, Forge says the theory is that Apocalypse moves onto a Younger Human Body through spirit, if the body wears out he moves onto another one, Juggernaut says He could just be Immortal, Forge says it's a possibility but, he could posses a very long long life, Juggernaut asks How did Apocalypse get the Technology he has now, Forge says he got it when a Pharoh Visited him, Forge says Apocalypse probably stole it.
Juggernaut ends the conversation and speaks with Scarlet Witch, Scarlet Witch.