
Rajkumar Chahar

Member of the 17th Lok Sabha

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Rajkumar Chahar is an Indian politician. He was elected to the Lok Sabha, lower house of the Parliament of India from Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh in the 2019 Indian general election as member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Lok Sabha Polls 2024: Fatehpur Sikri Braces for Fierce Electoral Battle | Oneindia News [Video]

Lok Sabha Polls 2024: Fatehpur Sikri Braces for Fierce Electoral Battle | Oneindia News

Home to the revered shrine of Sufi saint Salim Chishti and the imposing red sandstone fortress built by Emperor Akbar, Fatehpur Sikri stands as a testament to the grandeur of the Mughal era. In the..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 09:09Published

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