
Aberdeen Schools suspend feeding service out of precaution

Video Credit: WTVA ABC Tupelo, MS - Published
Aberdeen Schools suspend feeding service out of precaution

Aberdeen Schools suspend feeding service out of precaution

The school district is suspending the feeding service to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Aberdeen school district suspended their "grab and go" meals for students.... following the city's first positive coronavirus case.... the school district says the move is out of precaution... superintendent jeffrey clay said officials were still in the process of discussing when or if its meals program would resume.... superintendent jeffery clay released this statement, saying: we know that we have students that depend on the meals during the school closure.

But we feel, for the safety of our students, faculty/staff, and community, this is the best decision now.

As soon as we feel it is safe to re-start the feeding program, we will do so immediately.

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