
Fort Wayne residents participate in the National Day of Remembrance

Video Credit: WFFT - Published
Fort Wayne residents participate in the National Day of Remembrance

Fort Wayne residents participate in the National Day of Remembrance

Violence is something plaguing many cities across the country causing countless families to mourn.


The first time was in 20-14.

Violence is something plaguing many cities across the country..causing countless families to mourn.with tomorrow as the national day of remembrance people in fort wayne will focus on the impact of murder on their families and community.

Fox 55's jentill neal talked to people who've experienced this loss.

Jentill what did people share with you today?hunter, many tears at headwaters park this evening as families traveled down memory lane before their loved ones were taken from them.these ribbons you're looking at are symbolic of the lives lost.

It's been rough for the families of noele trice ... marcus harper ..., and willie alonzo smith ... all of them still mourning >22:43:55- "today is his 4 month anniversary.

The moms have been great.

Just to have the support of other mom's that know what it feels like to lose your child... because losing your child is the worst thing that could ever happen to you."dawn harper's son marcus was killed this year.

And while a suspect has been arrested.

Noele trice's family and willie smith's family are still hoping for justice.they join other families who are putting up ribbon's in their loved one's memory.this is for the national day of remembrance taking place tomorrow.>22:47:47-22:48:02"we take it one day at a time.

We always keep her memory alive.

We're still looking for justice.

One day we will get it, but until then we have her son.

That's all that matters."> 22:49:45-22:49:49"he has 10 children that need answers.

That's why i'm down here."

These black and red ribbons along clinton street show just a fraction of the families impacted by violence.

Stacey davis with java- an organization focused on helping victims families says it is important to do this because many people in fort wayne know what it feels like.

These ribbons are their way of spreading awareness.> 22:38:58-22:39:24"today and tomorrow are days of hopefully happy memories of our loved ones and we hope to do this every year.

In fact it was disappointing for java to find this need that there wasn't someone in our community already honoring this day, so this will be an annual event for java."

Some couldn't be at the event because they are still dealing with their loss, but they were acknowledged.the ribbons will be taken down on the 26th and the families will be able to keep them.reporting live in fort wayne jentill neal ... fox 55

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