Why 'Civil War' is TRENDING & Alex Gets Kino Casino to Spill ALL the Tea | Ep 143

Why 'Civil War' is TRENDING & Alex Gets Kino Casino to Spill ALL the Tea | Ep 143
In this episode of "Prime Time with Alex Stein," we break down why “Civil War” is trending on Twitter!
Texas Governor Greg Abbott told the Supreme Court to get lost and that he will continue using razor wire for border security.
After that, people like Tim Pool and Ted Cruz are discussing civil war?
We break it all down.
Our big guests of the evening are Ashton Parks and Andy Warski, better known as the hosts of “Kino Casino.” They discuss the controversy surrounding their podcast and why they don’t post on YouTube any more.
We end with the viral clips of the day, including a woman doing her best Alex Stein impression at Fulton County City Council.
Don’t miss this episode of “Prime Time with Alex Stein”!