
JEFF BOOTH BITCOIN ERIC STACKS | The marginal cost of production is falling everywhere exponentially

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
JEFF BOOTH BITCOIN ERIC STACKS | The marginal cost of production is falling everywhere exponentially

JEFF BOOTH BITCOIN ERIC STACKS | The marginal cost of production is falling everywhere exponentially

The debt worldwide is already insolvent, We live in a make-believe world where that debt is already insolvent but we pretend to believe it's solvent.

You live in a system in a system that’s insolvent.

And in this system, you are trying to remain solvent BUT the system itself being insolvent means you are playing with a different set of rules than the system!

At the top of that system.

If you are too big to fail.

You get bailed out by the taxpayers every time.That type of system of incentives makes theft the base layer of the economy.

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