
Haaziq Kazi

Indian environmentalist (born 2006)

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Haaziq Kazi is a middle-school student from Pune, India known for his project to clean ocean from wastes. Haaziq is one of the youngest presenters at TEDx at multiple occasions. He was widely covered by media for being a young innovator and titled a 'child prodigy' by many. ERVIS is the creation of Haaziq which is a large vessel in the ocean with multiple saucers attached to it. ERVIS could help suck wastes out the surface of oceans. He has also interacted with press and media to raise awareness on the plastic problem and how it is affecting marine life.


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He is determined to turn the tide against ocean pollution

Seventeen-year-old Haaziq Kazi has designed a ship prototype, named ERVIS, that uses centripetal force to suck out plastic waste from the oceans. Haaziq's parents have supported his dream since he was..
IndiaTimes - Published

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