
Melissa Peterman

American actress (active 1996– )

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Melissa Peterman: American actress (active 1996– )
Melissa Peterman is an American actress and comedian. She has played the role of Barbra Jean in the television comedy series Reba, appeared as Bonnie Wheeler in the ABC Family/Freeform series Baby Daddy, and was host of ABC Family's Dancing Fools, ABC's Bet on Your Baby, and CMT's The Singing Bee. Since 2017, she has played Brenda Sparks in The Big Bang Theory spinoff series Young Sheldon. Since August 2022, she is the host of the television game show Person, Place or Thing.

Reba McEntire Comedy 'Happy's Place' Ordered Up to Series on NBC | THR News [Video]

Reba McEntire Comedy 'Happy's Place' Ordered Up to Series on NBC | THR News

NBC has handed out a series order to the multicamera comedy 'Happy's Place,' starring Reba McEntire. 'Happy's Place' sees McEntire play Bobbie, a woman who inherits her father's restaurant and is less..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:38Published

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