
Leigh Anne Tuohy

American businesswoman and interior designer

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Leigh Anne Tuohy is an American businesswoman and interior designer. She was the guardian of the football player Michael Oher. Their story was featured in the 2006 book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game and its 2009 feature film adaptation The Blind Side. In the film, Tuohy was portrayed by Sandra Bullock, who won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for her performance.


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'Blind Side's Michael Oher Extorted Us, Tuohys Claim in Legal Docs

Michael Oher repeatedly demanded $15 million from the Tuohy family over "The Blind Side" royalties, and if they didn't ante up he would "defame them on social media and/or TMZ as 'fakes' and 'thieves,'.. - Published

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