
Nathan Fielder

Canadian comedian (born 1983)

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Nathan Fielder: Canadian comedian (born 1983)
Nathan Joseph Fielder is a Canadian comedian, actor, writer, director, and producer. He is known for his awkward persona and involvement in works that blur reality and fiction. His accolades include an Independent Spirit Award and a WGA Award, as well as a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award. In 2023, he was featured on Time's list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Emma Stone, Nathan Fielder and A24 to Produce Ben Mezrich Chess Scandal Story | THR News [Video]

Emma Stone, Nathan Fielder and A24 to Produce Ben Mezrich Chess Scandal Story | THR News

Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder are set to team up once again. If deals close, the duo would partner with A24 on 'Checkmate,' a hot feature package centered on a book proposal by Ben Mezrich, the author..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:06Published

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