

Municipality type A in State of Palestine

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Tulkarm: Municipality type A in State of Palestine
Tulkarm or Tulkarem is a Palestinian city in the West Bank, the capital of the Tulkarm Governorate of the State of Palestine. The Israeli city of Netanya is to the west, and the Palestinian cities of Nablus and Jenin to the east. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2017 Tulkarm had a population of 64,532. Tulkarm is under the administration of the Palestinian National Authority.

Hamas' West Bank Commander killed by Israeli forces in overnight raid near Tulkarm | Oneindia [Video]

Hamas' West Bank Commander killed by Israeli forces in overnight raid near Tulkarm | Oneindia

Hamas’s armed wing said that the commander of its forces in the Tulkarem area of the West Bank was among four members of the group killed during a day-long Israeli raid in the town of Dayr al-Ghusun...

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:01Published

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