
Oregon Supreme Court puts judge's ruling against stay-at-home orders on hold

Video Credit: KEZI - Published
Oregon Supreme Court puts judge's ruling against stay-at-home orders on hold

Oregon Supreme Court puts judge's ruling against stay-at-home orders on hold

The ruling came hours after the governor's legal team filed an emergency appeal with the state supreme court.


Now back to that breaking news... just hours ago... it seemed like oregon would full be back open with all of governor kate brown's executive orders thrown out the window by a baker county judge.

Now late this evening the state supreme court pumped the breaks on that ruling.

Kezi nine news reporter connor mccarthy is here live in the studio and shows us what this means for oregon.

Chynna-- it was just a short time ago the state was in unchartted territory after a baker county circuit court judge-- matthew shirt-cliff--made his ruling.

Now the supreme court says they will listen to arguments but in the meantime... the governor's exectuive orders are still in effect.

The original lawsuit was filed by 10 churches in oregon-- with one in roseburg-- claims governor brown violated their rights to gather for a religous service.

Ray hack-e represents the churches and says the initial ruling essentially voided all of the governor's executive orders during the pandemic.

Shirt-cliff says the governor exceeded her constiunitional powers by not getting approval from the legsilature to extend her emergency powers.

Here is a statement from the governor about the supreme court ruling this evening.

"following swift action by the oregon supreme court... my emergency orders to protect the health and safety of oregonians will remain in effect statewide while the court hears arguments in this lawsuit."

Chynna-- the governor's office tells me there is no timeline of when the supreme court will take up the case.

But because of the nature of it... the case is high on the court's priority.

In the meantime... oregon is still under all of governor brown's executive orders.

Reporting live in the studio connor mccarthy kezi

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