
SJSD Summer Athletic Plans (5-27-20)

Video Credit: KQTV - Published
SJSD Summer Athletic Plans (5-27-20)SJSD Summer Athletic Plans (5-27-20)

Sports... the st.

Joseph school district has released a re-entry plan for high school athletics this summer.

The plan includes two phases to prepare for the district's 2020 summer athletics.

Kq2's danielle soxy joins us live from central high school with more on plan thank you alan...high school athletes have been waiting to hear an update on what their summer will look like... now they have an answer... the plan is broken up into two phases one beginging june 15th...conditioning outdoors only... the second phase is planned to start july 6th...getting to move into the weight room and gym the idea of these two phases reflects the cdc and local health guidelines... but there will be challenges.... (sot "everything is voluntary") there is a limit to the number of athletes for each workout... coahces will have to figure out schedueling... and making sure all of their athleties are included... and how to have their athletes practice social distancing while having a productive workout.

There is still a chance these dates might get pushed back..

But as of right now...workouts are set to begin for june 15th..

Reporting live from central high school school..

Danielle soxy...kq2

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