
Scott Dorval's Idaho News 6 Forecast - Wednesday 10/27/21

Video Credit: Idaho On Your Side - Duration: 03:36s - Published
Scott Dorval's Idaho News 6 Forecast - Wednesday 10/27/21Sunshine & Milder Weather Make a Return

Of the mountains.

The whitthe Boulder Mountains, eveand central Idaho, which iwas a lot of snow up to twat one point.

So central Iskiers, the ski resorts arthat they had and gettingcentral Idaho won'bet lonthe snow enough snow for oa few weeks away.

And remeAs I mentioned, this is costream here primarily to oin the Mccall area about 1four or 2, or so.

As thattracks in this direction,eventually filtering in frreally going to bring ourthe day tomorrow.

Here's wrotating around.

Is that mcouple of days with temperto upper sixties.

So somehe ading on in And there'stonight.

There's some rain4:00 AM, mostly Valley Coua lot of cloud cover may sCharger Valley early in ththroughout the season.

TheWe just have a new buzz teIt's that tap of tropicalgets caught in these jet sas you see one river that'Seattle area.

Now sax downHere's a little stronger pmonday.

We get more rain ithe coast, eventually tinby say Tuesday or Wednesdasags down a little furtherAngeles briefly there.

Andthese rivers and letting ya real strong shpu of moisdirection.

Here's the foreValley for tomorrow.

Somecover, but ah beautiful coisth temperatures in the ufield the afternoon.

It'llin the morning, but a realgonna go golfing if you'releaves, whatever you're goconditions even in the fifthe early morning rain andcloudy Stanley in sun Valltemperatures going back upSo here's the forecast.

Yoforecast here 68 degrees tbeautiful day, mostly sunnThe outdoor running forecakind of nice.

It will callin the morning a tndhen juI saw people outside todayyou'll like tomorrow juston Friday.

So especially wgonna be nice near 70 partmorning clouds in the evenof showers as the sun is gaffect your golf game tomomuch of the time frame aswe do cool down to 58 satuover the weekend, we havestorm system offshore hereand Tuesday monday comingmoisture in Idaho, I don'tto hpeapn.

But as we get cI'm gonna keep you updatedthe Central Mountains, havcouple of showers will kee

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