
Are Cell Towers in Schools Putting Your Child in Danger?

Video Credit: Rumble - Published
Are Cell Towers in Schools Putting Your Child in Danger?

Are Cell Towers in Schools Putting Your Child in Danger?

Community school boards and government-appointed regulatory agencies have a responsibility to safeguard the futures of children and their families.

But when seduced by money and modernization, what’s best for long-term health, well-being and development of the people takes a back seat on both the local and national levels.

One contemporary issue — often left undiscussed — is that of technology’s impact on kids, especially when it comes to the installation of cell towers on school property.

After stumbling across one of these large-scale telecom projects, Jenny DeMarco stepped up as a medical freedom advocate in her neighborhood.

She joins ‘Defender In-Depth’ to discuss.

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