
Bentonville, Arkansas

City in Arkansas, United States

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Bentonville, Arkansas: City in Arkansas, United States
Bentonville is the ninth-most populous city in the US state of Arkansas, and the county seat of Benton County. The city is centrally located in the county with Rogers adjacent to the east. The city is the birthplace and headquarters of Walmart, the world's largest retailer. It is one of the four main cities in the three-county Northwest Arkansas Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is ranked 105th in terms of population in the United States with 546,725 residents in 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau. The city itself had a population of 54,164 at the 2020 Census, an increase of 53% from the 2010 Census. Bentonville is considered to be one of the fastest growing cities in the state and consistently ranks amongst the safest cities in Arkansas.

Walmart Lays Off Hundreds of Workers While Requiring Others to Relocate [Video]

Walmart Lays Off Hundreds of Workers While Requiring Others to Relocate

Walmart Lays Off Hundreds of Workers , While Requiring Others to Relocate. On May 14, the retail giant announced layoffs impacting several hundred employees at campus offices, NPR reports. It was..

Credit: Wibbitz Top Stories     Duration: 01:31Published

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