
Abu Azmi

Indian politician

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Abu Azmi: Indian politician
Abu Asim Azmi is a member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. He represents the Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar Constituency, Mumbai. He belongs to the Samajwadi Party.


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Won’t chant Vande Mataram: Abu Asim Azmi stirs row

IndiaTimes - Published

SP MLA Abu Azmi's 'Vande Mataram' remark triggers uproar in Maharashtra assembly

A major row erupted in the Maharashtra assembly on Wednesday over Samajwadi Party MLA Abu Azmi's remark about "Vande Mataram".While raising the issue of a riots in the Sambhajinagar district, Azmi said..
IndiaTimes - Published

'Vande Mataram' replaces 'Hello' in Maharashtra government offices from today; Opposition condemns move

Criticising the campaign, SP leader Abu Azmi on Sunday said that the state had always had a 'Jai Maharashtra' greeting since Bal Thackeray's time.
DNA - Published

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